Monday, February 4, 2019

German - Bread Culture 2018

Wet adhesive stamps of 2.60 EUR each in a sheet of 10, suitable for franking Maxi letters up to 1,000 g within Germany.

Carsten Wolff, Frankfurt am Main
Motive:Slices of five typical German breads
Photo: Lilly Hummel, Frankfurt am Main
2,60 EUR
Format PWz:
Width: 34.89 mm; Height: 34.89 mm
Format ten-sheet:
Width: 209.00 mm; Height: 104.00 mm
Arrangement PWz:
5 PWz next to each other, 2 PWz with each other
Arrangement EAN code:
An EAN code is placed on all four edge pieces of the narrow margin page. The edge pieces remain white.
Printing house:
Bagel Security-Print GmbH & Co. KG, Mönchengladbach
Substrate and printing process:
Coated, white and fluorescent postage stamp paper DP II; Multicolor offset printing
Issue date: 02. January 2018


Self-adhesive postage stamps for 2.60 EUR each in a set of 10, suitable for the franking of maxi letters up to 1.000 g within Germany.
Size of the single stamps: 34.89 x 34.89 mm. Size of the set: 90 x 130 mm.
Design: 10 self-adhesive special postage stamps "German bread culture".
The motif was designed by Carsten Wolff, Frankfurt am Main.
First day of use: 03. May 2018.